
PLASTGrommet – Plastic Tech Developments is a european leading manufacturer of recyclable plastic eyelets (grommets) and machines to set them, specially designed for markets as digital printing or deco curtains. PLASTGrommet develops the complete product range and works with different companies in Europe, North America and Australia. If you believe our product range will fit into yours, please contact us as we are always open to find new partners to expand our distribution network.

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PLASTGrommet – Plastic Tech Developments is a european leading manufacturer of recyclable plastic eyelets (grommets) and machines to set them, specially designed for markets as digital printing or deco curtains. PLASTGrommet develops the complete product range and works with different companies in Europe, North America and Australia. If you believe our product range will fit into yours, please contact us as we are always open to find new partners to expand our distribution network.

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