Speedy Signs reappoints Computaleta to provide self-adhesive vinyl, digital films, and various signage consumables across its network.

Computaleta has been reappointed as the preferred supplier for the Speedy Signs network.
The three-year agreement includes providing self-adhesive vinyl, digital films, and various signage consumables across Speedy Signs’ entire network.
The decision to once again select Computaleta was based on its extensive product range, national presence, and the expertise and responsiveness of its staff.
Computaleta Director Arlette Farland expressed satisfaction with the partnership over the past two years. Looking ahead, Arlette highlighted the company’s plans to provide comprehensive training in specific areas over the next three years, aiming to benefit both Speedy Signs staff and the broader industry.
“Skilled staff shortages have been a real problem for every business. Our job as a supplier is to work with our customers to ease that burden by upskilling or training existing staff across multiple areas of their business, such as lighting and print production.”
“In the end, our goal is to assist our customers in diversifying their services and ultimately becoming more profitable businesses,” added Arlette.

Speedy Signs Group CEO Grant Archibald said, “We chose Computaleta as our preferred supplier because of their product range, nationwide account servicing and overall expertise. Their comprehensive support makes them an invaluable partner for our network.”
Speedy Signs also recently opened its 28th location in Blenheim and is currently seeking interest for owner-operators in Gisborne, Napier, Wairarapa, Timaru, Central Otago and Invercargill.