Mutoh Europe has announced the release of MUTOH Direct into the Europe business area. Mutoh Direct is a new cloud service for MUTOH dealers, allowing remote monitoring of end-users’ printer status and usage for more effective service and support.
With the existing cloud service MUTOH Club, users can access their printer operational status, statistical data and product authorisation management, obtain product information, and various software and tools.
The new MUTOH Direct is an enhanced service of the MUTOH Club for MUTOH dealers. It will allow them to remotely access and monitor end-users’ printer information, enabling them to proactively predict and address potential causes of printer failures and take prompt action. As a result, dealers can reduce the number of on-site visits to end-users and printer downtime, enhancing the overall service. In addition, remotely monitoring the printer status makes it possible to advise end-users on optimal printer operation, extending the printer’s lifetime.
MUTOH Direct has been designed to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (GDPR).
MUTOH delivers optimal printing solutions through the enhancement of software services such as MUTOH Club/MUTOH Direct.